Welsh singer Katherine Jenkins, who is also known for her charity work and has performed for British troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, is expected to receive an OBE, according to the Mail. 此外,邮报称威尔士歌手凯瑟琳詹金斯很有希望获得一枚大英帝国勋章,她以慈善活动和曾为驻伊拉克和阿富汗的英军慰问演出而令人称道。
And Mr Fillon has a Welsh wife and strong British connections. 菲永的妻子是威尔士人,他在英国有强大的人脉。
A Welsh woman trying to call British telecoms operator BT was left hanging on the telephone for a total of 20 hours. 一位想接通英国电信的威尔士妇女不得不在线等了整整二十小时。